There are many specific health problems experienced by women, among others, is white and menstrual disorders. To overcome this problem has also many drugs - drugs that are provided by various drug manufacturers. But if you are interested in trying the natural way, perhaps the following alternatives you can try.

Whitish. In normal conditions, the vagina may be a discharge from the uterus. Generally liquid coming out a little, clear, and odorless. If the fluid (not blood) coming out of the vagina excessive, it is called white.

During pregnancy, impending menstruation, during ovulation, and the effect of sexual arousal, the vagina more prone to leak, the symptoms are still included normal. However, if the excessive discharge, sometimes itchy, and then the odor should really pay attention.

The cause of vaginal discharge include: infection by microorganisms (fungus Candida albicans, Neisseria gonorrhea bacteria, parasites Trichomonas vaginalis), hormone balance disorders, chronic stress and fatigue, genital inflammation, foreign bodies in the vagina, or a symptom of disease in organs such as the cancer content uterus, and so on.

Alternative ways to overcome the natural whiteness Hembing according to the book he wrote is: 15 pieces of betel leaves are washed and boiled with 2 liters of water to boil, warm the water used to wash the vagina several times sehari.15 dried pomegranate skin grams + 10 grams of dried sambiloto + 20 grams of turmeric (sliced), washed and then boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day.

Menstruation disorders. Menstruation is a monthly bleeding originating from the lining of the uterus through the vagina in women are sexually mature and not pregnant. The duration of menstrual bleeding lasted an average of between 3-5 days with an average cycle of 28 days. In normal conditions, menstruation does not cause significant interference.

But in some women, periods can sometimes interfere with daily activities, even became so painful because the pain is incredible (dymenorrhoea).

Late menstruation or irregular periods should also watch out because it means that abnormality has occurred in the menstrual cycle. The pain during menstruation can be caused by many factors including hormonal imbalance factors, namely an increase secretion of the hormone prostaglandin which can cause excessive uterine contractions.

Irregular periods can be caused because of hormonal disorders or psychological factors, such as stress, depression, and others that can affect hormones.

Alternative overcome menstrual disorders in a natural way according Hembing written in the book are: 30 grams of Curcuma (sliced) + 15 grams of red roses + leaves 15 grams + 10 grams god tuber dry puzzles, all washed and boiled with 600 cc water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day.

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