The life of a man with episodes that passes is like a notebook with pages of inside pages. In the book, we are free to write anything, free to draw anything. However, provided by the giver of the book was only a pen without an eraser.

The sheets were to be recorded from various events that we experience. We can read it again, but could not be removed, torn, or replaced. That was our past, we can remember, we remembered, but we can not return it.

We know so many episodes of human life that occurred in the past. Glory and the collapse of a civilization after another, as the alternation of night to day, the moon and sun.

We also remember the episode of life itself. Babies become children, a teenager, growing up, grow old and die. Death itself is the first episode of a new life chapter, a new journey, with two trips to the tip of an absolute choice, heaven or hell.

And at the foot still planted in the world, we are also acquainted with a variety of emotions that accompany the scene after scene of the drama of life that lay before us. Nothing is eternal, nothing lasts forever.

So is our right if at any stage of our lives to be happy. It is our memory, if at some point we feel sorrow and grief.

However, for the sake of which can never come back, is there any phases that we pass we use it well? Are there sheets that are filled with good records and goodness? Happy or sad, grace or disaster, there are only two choices for a Muslim to respond to, grateful, or patient. And both rewards stream leads to the essential pleasure of the giver of happiness, which is heaven and His love.

So as we stand at this time, do your best to our future, because there would be no way to return to the past, for whatever we desire and longing.

And when the year changes, is important not to celebrate with a variety of rah-rah party. It is also important not specify the time in a year-end reflection only once a year. For it was proper for a Muslim to provide time-time to be alone and always self introspection, contemplation, part to himself, reviewing his credit record. And constantly improve themselves. For a Muslim who is lucky today better than yesterday. He lost if today is the same as yesterday, and even if he was hurt much worse today than yesterday.

Bravo! Keep the spirit, passion,

and spirit! Allah Akbar!

End Year in 2009 and 2010 In Early this year I hope to my beloved to be more serious in the Complete Study, more responsible in his job and everything, and increased love me and do not change hearts and love. Amien

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